Privacy policy

Pursuant to Art. 13 of EU regulation 2016/679 (hereafter, “GDPR”)

A.D.M. Services S.n.c. protects your privacy
when processing personal data acquired through this website

1. General Information

The users (hereafter, also the “interested parties”, as per Art.4, para.1 GDPR) are hereby notified of the following general information, valid for all areas of data processing:
1.1 – The Controller is A.D.M. Services S.n.c . in the physical person of its legal representative Dr. Antonio Di Giovanni, with legal headquarters in Milan – viale Piave 28, fiscal code and VAT number: 13406440159, whom you will be able to contact with the following information: – tel.: TEL 1: + 39 02 20404565 TEL 2: + 39 02 20404549 TEL 3: + 39 02 29531169 FAX: + 39 02 29530403
1.2 – All the user data referring directly or indirectly to individuals is processed in a correct, legal and transparent way towards the interested party while always respecting the general principles established under Art. 5 GDPR.
1.3 – We have adopted specific security measures to prevent the loss, illicit or incorrect use of, and unauthorized access to, the data.
1.4 – Through the site, only “common” data is collected by means of computer systems and storage media or print-outs (see: printing of IT documents), only “common” data or rather information which does not fall into “particular categories of data” (personal data which reveals ethnic or racial origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or union membership, as well as data related to genetic or biometric processing which allows for the unique identification of a natural person, data related to health, sex life or sexual orientation of the person) or “judicial data” (personal data related to criminal convictions and offenses or to related security measures).
1.5 – The web hosting of the site is held by ARUBA at data centers located in Italy. The domain was purchased from Aruba S.p.A, a company which was appointed the external data processing controller, responsible for elaborating the data for the Controller, and whose servers – for the purposes of the management of the site – are located inside the European Economic Area; eventual data transfers to organizations abroad will be covered by standard contract clauses and/or by an adequacy decision in compliance with Art. 45 and 46 GDPR.
1.6 – The updated list of persons authorized for data processing on behalf of the Controller as well as external persons responsible for the processing designated by A.D.M. Services S.n.c. is available at the headquarters of the Controller.
1.7 – The privacy policy of A.D.M. Services S.n.c does not involve, lastly, the processing of personal data of individuals less than 18 years of age. Therefore, this site is not destined to intentionally collect personal information referring to minors. Should information about minors be involuntarily recorded, the Controller will delete it in a timely manner, directly and/or upon the request of the users.

2. Your personal data

Below are described the modalities of the management of the personal data which is acquired by the website and which foresee possible interaction with the user:
(2.1) navigation data
(2.2) contacts / request information
(2.3) other data
(2.4) Cookies

2.1 Navigation data

The designated computer systems and software procedures used for the function of this website acquire, in the course of their normal exercise, some personal data, the transmission of which is implicit to the use of the internet communication protocols. This information is not collected in order to be associated with identified interested parties, but by its very nature may – through processing and associations with data held by third parties – allow the identification of the users. This category of data includes IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by the users who connect to the site, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the resources requested, the time of the request, the method utilized to submit the request to the server, the dimension of the file obtained in response, the numeric code indicating the state of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters related to the operating system and the user’s computing environment.

Purposes and legal basis for the processing (GDPR- Art.13, paragraph 1, let. c)
This data is utilized with the sole purpose of collecting anonymous statistical information on the use of the site and monitoring its correct function. In addition, the data may be utilized for the verification of liability in case of hypothetical cyber or IT crimes against the site (legitimate interests of the owner – GDPR considering Art. 49).

Processing environment (GDPR- Art.13, paragraph 1, let. e,f)
The data is processed by internal personnel of the Controller, legally authorized and trained in processing (GDPR-Art.29), as well as by duly appointed external persons (see point 1.5).

Period of data storage (GDPR- Art.13, paragraph 2, let. a)
The data is stored for very brief periods of time or rather for the time strictly necessary for the navigation itself.

Transmission (GDPR – Art.13, paragraph 2, let. f)
The data is not expressly transmitted by the interested party but acquired automatically by the technological systems of the site.

2.2 Contact Us

The section “Contact Us” as well as the other sections of the site where a voluntary form of contact is expected (“Request information”) permit the interested party to request a contact with the staff of A.D.M. Services S.n.c, by providing personal identification data (name / surname / company name / email / telephone / province) in addition to other information entered on the spontaneous initiative of the user in the body of the message.

Purposes and legal basis for the processing (GDPR- Art.13, paragraph 1, let. c)
Personal identification data and contact information (name / surname / company name / email / telephone / province) are requested and these are necessary so as to respond to the request for contact by the interested party. The sending of the request occurs based on the free and informed voluntary basis of the interested party, demonstrated through an express and unequivocal act (GDPR-Art.6, paragraph 1, let. a, considering n. 32) through the designated check-box and/or in virtue of the performance of pre-contractual measures adopted upon request of the interested party (GDPR- Art.6, paragraph 1, let. b).

Processing environment (GDPR- Art.13, paragraph 1, let. e,f)
The data is processed by internal personnel of the Controller, legally authorized and trained in processing (GDPR-Art.29), as well as by duly appointed external persons (see point 1.5).

Period of data storage (GDPR- Art.13, paragraph 2, let. a)
The data is, in general, stored for durations compatible with the purposes of the collection, with the purpose of giving a reply to such a request; for users who have become Clients the period of storage is equivalent to the duration of the contractual relationship and up to 2 months beyond its end; for the other categories of interested parties the period of storage cannot be greater than 24 months.

Transmission (GDPR – Art.13, paragraph 2, let. f)
The transmission of the data, related to the obligatory fields, is necessary to be able to obtain a response from the staff of A.D.M. Services S.n.c; further data contained in the body of the message are completely voluntary as they are able to facilitate the contact and/or the subject of the request sent by the interested party.

2.3 Other data furnished voluntarily by the user

The explicit voluntary sending, by choice, of electronic or ordinary mail to the other addresses indicated on this site entails the successive acquisition of the sender’s address, which is necessary to respond to requests, as well as the acquisition of other eventual personal data inserted in the missive. Should the sender send his or her curriculum to submit his or her candidature for a professional position, he or she remains wholly responsible for the pertinence and correctness of the data sent. At the first useful contact with the candidate, the appropriate privacy notice will be issued to the interested party while processing of the data with the purpose of the eventual selection of the candidate occurs. In any case, the sender will have to abstain from sending information falling into “particular categories of data” or rather “judicial data ” (see point 1.4 – General Information); if it is received, such information will be deleted and will not be subject in any way to processing by the Controller.

2.4 Cookies

The cookie policy can be viewed at the dedicated section.

3. Your rights

3.1 You will be able to freely exercise the following rights in relation to the processing of the data processed by A.D.M. Services S.n.c:
a) Obtain confirmation if there is data processing regarding you and, if so, obtain access to the data and the information related to the processing.
b) Request the rectification of incorrect data;
c) Request the erasure of the data if, among other reasons, this is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it has been requested; in such a case, A.D.M. Services S.n.c will see to the termination of data processing, except when it is necessary for the establishment, the exercise or the defense of a legal claim.
d) Request the application of the restriction of data processing, in which case it may be processed only with the consent of the party interested; the exceptions to this are the conservation of the data itself and the use for the establishment, the exercise or the defense of a legal claim or for the protection of the rights of other individuals or legal entities or for the purposes of public interest related to the European Union or a Member State.
e) Oppose, in whole or in part, for legitimate reasons the processing of your data. In such a case, A.D.M. Services S.n.c will cease processing such data, except when it is necessary for the defense against possible claims.
f) Receive, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, the data furnished to A.D.M. Services S.n.c or request that A.D.M. Services S.n.c transfer it directly to another controller where technically possible.
g) Revoke the consent granted, if pertinent, for the purposes specified in point 2 above without compromising the legitimacy of the processing on the basis of the consent furnished prior to the withdrawal of consent.
3.2 The abovementioned rights to access, rectification, erasure, restriction, objection and portability of the data may be exercised directly by the party interested or by his or her legal representative or volunteer, through a request addressed to A.D.M. Services S.n.c at its contact information and by means of a registered letter with a return receipt at the offices of A.D.M. Services S.n.c in Milan (20129 – MI) – viale Piave 28 or rather by email at the address or, finally, by certified email at the address .
The interested party has the right to submit a claim to the competent supervisory authority.

4. Updates to the policy

It is to be noted that this policy may be subject to periodic revision, even as pertains to norms and applicable jurisprudence. In case of significant modifications appropriate notice will be given on the homepage of the site. The interested party is asked, however, to periodically consult this policy. It is a policy, as set forth under Art. 13 of the GDPR, valid exclusively for the site and not for any other sites eventually consulted by the user via links.